mardi 9 septembre 2014

Pink Hair


I have been pretty busy with work lately so I didn't time nor energy to draw for myself.

But tired to say " I am gonna draw tomorrow", I decided to take my pen tab again and draw even if it was between 2 and 5 am. Sleepy at work next day but definetly worth it ;)

Two nights after, a quick illustration finished!!!
I have been obsessed with colored hair lately. I wanna dye mine purple but afraid of damages...
Anyway don't need to decide right now but can draw about it!

Enjoy  (-^O^-)


lundi 21 avril 2014

Dear Fellows,

This week illustration is highly inspired by Snow White and the Huntsman. I didn't try to stay close to Chris Hemsworth though (even if I really like this actor^^).

It's a quick full digital illustration and I like to things rough sometimes :)

Stay tuned \(^O^)/

lundi 7 avril 2014


If you are following me on Facebook, you might have seen the line of today's illustration ^^

I love drawing peacocks, they are so beautiful so I decided to make an illustration Juno (Hera if you prefer Greek version), queen of Greek Gods often identified with peacock.

I use to have a big interest in Greek/Latin mythlogy back to middle school ( a little bit because I was a huge fan of Saint Seiya (^-^)

mercredi 2 avril 2014

Chara design


This week illustration is a chara design I made for a contest.

This one is 100% traditional (pen and brush)

I might color it later^^

Have a nice week!!!

lundi 24 mars 2014


Hello Dear Fellows!!!

This week illustration was inspired by Russian traditional headdress (*^o^*)

About the technique, brush and pen then scanned and colored with photoshop.

I hesitated about the colors but when it's already 4 am and you have to go work next morning, at some point you have to make a choice.(`А´)

Sakura's season is starting slowly and as you might know or not, it's a big event in Japan! It might be my next theme^^

Stay tuned!

I upload an illustration every Monday on facebook so if you're using Facebook, please follow my Facebook page!!!

lundi 17 mars 2014

Doc Martens

Hello dear Fellows!!!

Today's illustration feature my Doc Martens boots. I really love that brand^^

I designed the clothes. I used to want to become a stylist before I discovered manga and animation but I still really like fashion \(^o^)/

I upload illustration every Monday on my Facebook page so iff you're using Facebook, please follow my Facebook page!!!

jeudi 13 mars 2014

New Illustration

Hello Dear Fellow!

Here is this week illustration. Hope you enjoy it!

If you're using Facebook, please follow my Facebook page!!!

mercredi 5 mars 2014


Hello Dear Fellows!

This week, an illustration inspired by the New Zealand song writer and singer Lorde.

I love her music, she is really cool!
I saw her on TV last week and I just felt like drawing her. I didn't really try to make a really look alike portrait, it's more just an inspiration althought she is really beautiful!

Anyway this is a full digital illustration, I hope you'll enjoy it!  (*^-^*)

If you're using Facebook, please follow my Facebook page!!!
Stay tunned!!!

mardi 4 février 2014

New Year, New Resolution!!!

Hello dear fellows!

A new year has begun. I hope you enjoyed the holidays.

I hope this year will be filled with love, happiness, success and joy!!!!

Here is a new illustration, I kinda rushed it to finish it before the 31st and be able to post on my facebook page  on time! Challenge succeeded!! It's not the first time I wanted to create a Happy New Year but usually I start really thinking about the 31st evening (procrastination, procrastination...). So this year, I must admit that even if for many persons those happy new year wishes seem late, for me it is right on time. Next year I'll to deliver for the 1st!!!

First resolution: less blabla, more action!!!

About the making of this illustration, it's half traditional, half digital. I love drawing straight away on Photoshop. I can change the composition as many time I want, flip, reduce, enlarge etc so I feel so much more free!!! I don't get attach to what I draw, because if it doesn't fit the composition, I don't have to erase it forever, I can just move it or keep for another illustration if necessary. BUT when it comes to patterns, I feel so much better with my pen and pencil! I can spontaneous, I let my hand free to create some curves, the drawing become alive. So I started this illustration on Photoshop, set up all the major elements, scanned it, and draw my patterns on paper then scanned it and finalizing on Photoshop. It can seem a little bit complicated but I am experiencing, and trying to get the best from the two techniques (^V^)

I let you judge (and I hope appreciate)the result  (*^-^*)!

And the making of (-^O^-)

I'll finish my article with an inspiring sentence I read earlier

“Love will find a way, everything else will find an excuse.” (Preston Smiles)
You can read the whole article here
Enjoy the rest of the day and stay tunned dear fellows  (*^-^*)!